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Subject- Theory Of Machines
Topics Covered-
- Mechanisms And Machines
- Velocity & Acceleration Analysis
- Gear and Gear Trains
- Vibration
- Balancing
- FLywheel
- Cam and Follower
- Analysis of Single slider mechanism
- Governor
- Gyroscope
All important terms and concept is included in short notes.
Types of constrained motion-
- Completely constrained motion
- Incompletely constrained motion
- Successfully constrained motion
Kinematic pair- Pair of joints having relative motion between them and the relative motion is constrained.
Types of Kinematic pair-
1) According to Nature of contact-
Lower pair- Having Surface area of contact between members.
Higher pair- Have point or Line contact between members.
2) According to Relative Motion-
Sliding pair
Rolling pair
Turning pair
Screw pair/ Helical pair
Spherical pair
3) According to Mechanical constraint
Closed pair- Elements of pair held together mechanically.
Unclosed/ Open pair- Elements of pair held together by use of an external source like spring.
Types of Joint-
- Binary Joint
- Ternary Joint- one ternary = 2 binary
- Quaternary Joint - one quaternary = 3 binary
Degree of Freedom - Minimum no. of independent variable require to define motion.
DOF= 6- No.of restraint
Grubler's criteria-
DOF= 3(N-1) - 2J - H
N= No. of links
J= Lower pairs
H= Higher pairs
Grashoff Law-
For a link to be a mechanism,
Sum of ( shortest + longest ) link should be less than equal to the sum of the other two sides of the link. S+L<P+Q
Inversion- Different mechanism obtained by fixing different links of a kinematic chain.
Inversion in the four-bar mechanism-
- Double crank- When the shortest link is fixed
- Crank Rocker- When link adjacent to shortest is fixed
- Double Rocker- When the link opposite to the shortest is fixed.
Inversion in slider-crank mechanism-
- When the cylinder is fixed- IC Engine
- When the crank is fixed- Whitworth Quick return mechanism, Rotary engine
- When connecting rod is fixed- Crank and slotted lever mechanism, oscillatory cylinder engine
- When the piston is fixed - Haandpump, Bulls engine
Inversion in Double slider crank-
- When plate is fixed- Elliptical trammel
- When the slider is fixed- Scotch yoke mechanism
- When connecting slider link is fixed- Oldham coupling
Steering Mechanism-
- Akerman steering mechanism- 4 turning pairs, Exactly at 3 positions including mid position.
- Davis steering mechanism- ( one sliding + 3 turning ), more wear, follow exactly all position.
- Rapson mechanism- Used in ships, Cross slider, turning and sliding both
Straight-line mechanism-
1) Exact straight line-
- Paucelliar mechanism- it has 8 links
- Harts mechanism- it has 6 links
- Scott Russel mechanism- it has 4 links and it is single slider
2) Approximately straight mechanisms-
- Pantograph
- Tchebicheff mechanism
- Grasshopper mechanism
- Watt indicator
- Modified Scott Russel
Theory of machines is one of the important subjects in terms of marks in different examinations. By putting some extra effort it is easily possible to solve all the problems related to it.
Always refer to standard books for any doubt.
All important concepts and formulas are also present there. It will help you in steady quick revision and save your precious time so that you can practice more problems related to Theory of machines.
Here is the PDF of Theory of machines.
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